It may sound a bit strange to some, but shopping for food is one of my favorite activities. If I can make it to the Sunday Farmer's Market (we call it the "FM") I am really excited. It's an experience that envolves all your senses: smells, sights, sounds and makes you want to eat delicious, fresh foods. After I've filled all my canvas bags, spent all my cash, and tasted fresh-picked fruits from local farmers, I get to come home, unpack all the goodies, wash and clean the crispy veggies, store the sweet-smelling tomatoes and basil and I'm all set for the week!
If you don't have the right food around, chances are you're not going to eat as well as you want. Grocery shopping is essential to changing eating habits. Our eating environment makes it very difficult to eat healthy when eating out. So the solution becomes- stock up at home with good choices! What you need to keep in mind:
1) Your Lifestyle - how busy are you and how much time are you willing to dedicate to preparing food? If you are very limited, opt to buy foods that can be easy grab-and-go options. Some examples are natural bars like LARABARS, individual yogurts, string cheese, pre-made salads (great at TJ's!), pre-washed and cut fruit and veggies... you get the idea. It is quicker to grab a greek yogurt on your way to work than it is to scramble an egg or eat a bowl of cereal. There's no excuse for missing breakfast or for not having snacks with you during the day. It just takes a little planning and a little practice.
2) Your favorite foods! Healthy eating does not mean boring or tasteless eating. Now...unfortunately I can't magically make fried chicken or onion rings healthy...but there is almost always an alternative way to prepare foods to make them more "health promoting", you just need to make it yourself. If you're not a cook don't fret - learning and experimenting is the fun part anyway! Make pizza at home with fresh ingredients and everything can be enjoyed in moderation. I encourage you to plan to include your favorite foods and flavors in your weekly and daily food choices - remember- you are not on a diet!
I posted a shopping list under the Pages section to get you started. It's a long list, to encourage you to eat a variety of foods and think about all the options you have to start eating well! Pick out foods that appeal to you in each category, make your list, and head to the store. It's easy- the more you do it, the more of a habit it will become and soon you will look forward to your grocery shopping if you don't already.
Stock your own kitchen with fresh, flavorful foods that YOU like! The key word is “You”. These are some of my suggestions for foods to start with, but you need to have options on hand that taste good to you, otherwise you are likely not going to be eating the healthy food you bring home from the store. Lastly, make sure you buy what fits into your lifestyle – for example, if you’re always busy running around and trying to eat better, look for pre-cut and washed fruits and vegetables to minimize prep time. There are no rules here, no magic foods. Choose a variety and buy organic and local when possible. Always bring a list and of course eat something before you go so you are less tempted by things you don’t really need or want. Happy Shopping!
Stores you’ll Love:
Local Farmer’s Markets of course!
Trader Joe’s
Whole Foods
New Seasons - Portland
Santa Monica Co-op
Sumner believes you deserve to be successful in your pursuit of health. The diet industry is keeping Americans overweight, unhealthy and unhappy...because DIETS DON'T WORK! Here you'll find tips for eating well and how to finally find a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP with food.
About Me

- Sumner Brooks, MPH, RD, CSSD
- Technically speaking, I'm a dietitian, but I see myself as a listener, a motivator, coach and teacher of nutrition. I prefer to end a busy day with a glass of red wine while chopping vegetables. Lover of almost anything pickled and fresh baked scones just not at the same time. I'm happiest when I'm cooking for people I love. Why am I so into food? Because I KNOW how much eating well can change your life. What you eat every day is going to impact your body and your mind. It's a confusing world out there - full of diet and food advice that always leaves you feeling like it's that one next diet that's going to be the weight loss answer. Stop waiting for that magic diet, and begin to take one step at a time in the right direction. I'm here to help you on your life-long journey, there's no better time to start!
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